Educator= Designer+Facilitator+Researcher, Engineer
About Me
I am a maker, of learning experiences, circuits and code. I love learning, and want to create inquiry-driven, personally meaningful learning experiences for all. I am an engineer and an educator - a designer, facilitator and researcher! I have worked in diverse educational contexts, both formal and informal and look forward to explore, combine and create new ones!

My Skills

I have built using various media: circuits (arduinos to VLSI chips), code (app inventor to deployed python code), mechanics (3D prints to humanoid robot parts).

Design and Facilitation of Learning experiences
I have worked in diverse settings: K-12 school, underserved school, science museum and walking tours. Over time, I have learnt the importance of creating expressive possibilities and opportunities for learners to make the experience their own.

Research methodology
I have practiced complete research cycles in multiple domains: electronics in university setting, electronics in a corporate setting, education in a teacher preparation setting, education in a school innovation lab setting. This has helped me assimilate various methods into my toolkit and given me a wholesome perspective.
My Experience
Roles & Responsibilities
March 2021 - Present
Design Verification Engineer, Texas Instruments
Working in the Low Power Amplifiers group
We make chips that go in Phones, Laptops, etc and drive the speakers to play audio
We develop Smart Amplifiers which allow our customers to provide the best in industry audio experience
I work on analysing the design, developing a verification plan and rigorously testing it throughout the development cycle
I also co-ordinate across domains to understand requirements as they are dynamic and under development
Feb 2020 - Feb 2021
Research Associate,
Indus International School
Researched instruments to measure curiosity and interventions to develop curiosity in children
Built initial prototype of bot to develop curiosity
Designed and built a system to track student attention in the classroom using Python
Designed a built a learning experience using a virtual human through the SmartBody platform
Researched and built the Prescriptive Assessment Analysis system
Developed a moonshot pedagogy: teaching through experimentation
Collected and analyzed data to compare between online and offline learning
Developed the learning content for Physics
July 2017 - July 2019
Analog Engineer,
Texas Instruments
Design Verification, Mux Switches and Isolation
Designed and Built data visualization templates using Spotfire for automating and enhancing verification workflow (work published in TIITC)
Automated verification pipeline using Perl, Python and Verilog
Debugged a chip and built a Bench validation system for a chip using LabView and NI tools
Recent workshops
My Studies
July 2013 - April 2017
Bachelors in Technology (B.Tech),
National Institute of Technology, Karnataka (NITK)
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Highlighted courses: Analog Integrated Circuits, Analog and Digital electronics an communication, Pattern Recognition and machine learning, Signal processing
Major Project: SIDO Buck converter, Mini projects: Cashew quality check system, ECG graph scaling system
Peer mentor for Mathematics and Signals and Systems
Convenor of Debate Society for 2 years, active member of Literary, Stage and Debating Society
August 2019 - May 2020
Post Graduate Diploma in International Education,
Indus Training and Research Institute
Assignments: Threshold concept- Complex Numbers, Pedagogy - Innovative practice in computer science, Learning in Context - reflection on teaching math and history to 12 underprivileged students for 4 weeks
Influential books: Understanding by Design, How Children Fail and Learn, Each Child Matters, Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom, The having of Wonderful Ideas
Research: Developing innovation mindedness in pre-service teachers
Built a tool to track learning progress in a learner-centered classroom
“In many schools today, the phrase "computer-aided instruction" means making the computer teach the child. One might say the computer is being used to program the child. In my vision, the child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology and establishes an intimate contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of intellectual model building.”
― Seymour Papert